It is always wise to get a car inspection done on any car you are considering purchasing. When you use an escrow service to buy a car, you will have extra time to do this. This is a good idea when you are considering buying a car over the Internet or through an ad. You don’t want to be stuck with a lemon. By getting an automobile inspected, you can be sure the car is in good mechanical condition.
An auto inspection will also protect the seller. Sometimes, the seller will allow the buyer to take the car to get it inspected and they never see it again. Though this is rare, it happens. The escrow service prevents this because the money will be held in an account and will not be released to the seller until the buyer is satisfied with the inspection. CARCHEX allows you to order a reliable vehicle inspection for a car you might want to buy. You can also use to circumvent any problems that may arise while the car is being inspected.