
Effects of Potholes on Your Car


When roads weather, potholes sometimes form on the surface. When a car, bicycle, or motorcycle rides over one of these bumps, serious harm can be caused to your vehicle The Damage Potholes Do Potholes can cause damage to your cars suspension and steering components, as well as the tires and rims. Under- or over-inflated tires [...]

Taking Your Car Out of Winter Storage


If you're lucky enough to have a collectible car you only drive in warm weather, here's how to properly take it out of winter storage. Video Transcription Alright, you stored your collectible car for the winter. Now you want to take it out and drive it. The weather is getting nice and it's that time. [...]

How To Drive In The Rain Safely


Driving in inclement weather can be dangerous, and road conditions and visibility can deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly. While snowy, icy conditions might be the first weather-related challenge to come to mind, driving in the rain has its own set of hazards, too. When it rains, motorists need to contend with wet pavement, slick conditions, and [...]

Auto Warranty – What To Expect From Customer Service


What can I expect if I am a new customer contacting CARCHEX for the first time? Video Transcription Well, when I first make contact with a potential customer I always want to make sure that they understand the coverage options that they're looking at. We want to make sure that the policy, they understand how [...]

The Difference Between Manual And Automatic Transmission Fluid


Is there a difference between manual and automatic transmission fluid? Video Transcription Is there a difference between manual and automatic transmission fluid? Well, in some cases yes. But many, many manual transmissions--of course there aren't that many of them left anymore--but many of them use automatic transmission fluid. This is so that they'll shift easier, [...]

New Driver Tips – Be Safe & Confident


The first time your teen gets behind the wheel signals the first step toward independence and adulthood. As a parent, there are always concerns about safety on the road. It’s important for teens to remember that although the freedom that comes with driving is exciting, that freedom comes with significant responsibility. Here are some basic [...]

When Should I Change My Transmission Fluid?


How do you know when it is time to change your transmission fluid? Video Transcription Alright, when is the time to change transmission fluid? Well, that is typically 24,000 to 30,000 miles or 2 to 3 years. The fact of the matter is the transmission fluid breaks down and it gets dirty over time. So, [...]

How to Check Transmission Fluid


Checking your transmission fluid used to be as easy as using a dipstick, but these days it's a little more complicated. In this video, Pat Goss explains why it's not really a do-it-yourself job anymore. Video Transcription How do you check the level of the transmission fluid? Well, for all of those of you who [...]

Spring Cleaning For Your Car


Spring cleaning usually refers to that time of the year where we roll up our sleeves to clean out and freshen up our home or office. To extend the life of your vehicle, you should try doing the same for your car. Here are some tips from How Stuff Works on spring cleaning for your [...]

Ethanol Vs. Gasoline


Gasoline usage and its effects on the economy and the environment are always a concern. Recently, some drivers have considered a switch to using ethanol to fuel their vehicles because it is more environment friendly. But, are there any downsides to using ethanol over gasoline? Video Transcription How does ethanol differ? Well of course, it’s [...]

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